Joel Hill wrote:

>The protagonists' favorite piece of music was the Mahler 10th.

That would have made more chronological sense, as the Rachmaninov was
written 22 years after the back-in-time action in the movie (and I presume
in the book) takes place.  Hollywood is seldom bothered by anachronisms.
The Mahler would have been right on, though I doubt if anyone in 1912 would
have been acquainted sufficiently with the adagio (the only completed
movement) to the point of calling it a "favorite."

>The music by John Barry is really beautiful

It's a good score, and it didn't need beefing up with the 18th Variation,
played in a kitschy manner by Universal Studio pianist Chet Swiatkowsky.
I loved the movie (it was directed by a woman, you know), but found the
Rachmaninov an offputting intrusion.  The author of the screen play/book
probably had no say in the matter.

John Dalmas
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