I got this from the Berkshire site previously, in connection with an
inquiry by Tom Godell:

>RCA/BMG 40472 2 (A) [Dutch] CD $3.99 Falla, Nights in the Gardens of Spain
>{w.J.Achucarro, piano}; El Amor Brujo {N.Mistral, mezzo}; 3 Dances from
>"The 3-Cornered Hat" (London Symph./Mata)

I asked if this was the recommendable disc he'd mentioned, adding that...

>The one or two things I've heard by Mata failed to impress me ...though
>I guess Spanish repertoire might be more 'up his alley.'

It was Flor, not Mata, I'd been thinking of.  Mata has a fine track record,
AFAIC, notably with Latin-American music.

Bert Bailey, in Ottawa