Thanks, Dave, for that sobering look at the current state of the industry
- Kozinn's article.  If they are only interested in it for quick profit,
what executive with a death wish came up with these:

>   Having enjoyed recent successes with boxed sets devoted to Sviatoslav
>   Richter and William Kapell, the label is planning a 99-CD Rubinstein
>   box (to be priced at about $1,500) for September, and a big Heifetz
>   box and a more expansive Richter set for next year.

While (too?) expensive for the run-of-the-bargain CD collector (yrs trly
included), the Cleveland, NY Phil and Mahler broadcast sets are not beyond
the bounds of special treats or birthday/anniversary present wish lists.

If these giant (in size) sets are what the executives are pining for, then
my association with the verb "pine" is with "pinin' for the fiords" in John
Cleese's memorable/immortal "Dead Parrot" skit.  And all the other synonyms
apply with equal force.  At this rate, the majors will indeed be "pushin up
the daisies." Well, if that gives the independents more room to manoever,
there may be some hope!

Ever optimistic,
