Mark Shanks wrote:

>I hope that other list members have some favorites they'd like to

Hard to resist to such an invitation.

Among (not already mentioned) unfinished (last) works, I'd like to point
out these four:

Bartok: Viola concerto
Falla: Atlantis
Haydn: Quartet opus 103
Martinu: Isaiah's Prophecy

Among final (but finished) works with a "special message" (even if not
always intended by the composer):

Faure: String quartet (last work of a famous but isolated composer -
because of his deafness)
Franck: Three organ chorals
Magnard: Symphony Nr.4 (the composer died a short time after finishing
this symphony, defending his house against the German in 1914; the
manuscript was sent just a week before in Paris and therefore
miraculously escaped the fire)
Zimmermann: Ekklesiastische Aktion (the composer committed suicide a few
days after finishing this work)
Duparc: La vie anterieure (the composer died... 49 years later)

Simon Corley
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