Bernard Hill wrote:

>According to my Guinness book of records (1990) Rachmaninov could span a
>12th and with the left hand play a chord
>C Eb G C G
>I've seen a picture of that somewhere.

Stride composer & pianist Charles Luckeyth "Luckey" Roberts (1887-1968)
could play 12ths in BOTH hands.  In a 1941 Piano Concerto premiered at Town
Hall in New York, the closing passage called for thundering chords played
with 12ths in both hands.  I'd have to dig for it, but a program notes
exists describing this passage.  Sadly, it does not appear that the
Concerto itself has survived.  Few recordings exist of Roberts, who is
better known (if at all) for pieces like "Junk Man Rag" and "Moonlight
Cocktail" than he is for his classical compostions.  However his amazing
dexterity is evident on many on the records which do survive; and that
alone may be enough put him over the top for having the largest hands in
Pianism, despite what Guinness says.  BTW, Luckey's hands were larger than
HE was- he stood 5'1" and weighed 300 lbs.

Uncle Dave Lewis
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