Gerry Kelly <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>For what it is worth, I would like to put in my vote for Richard Strauss.
>It seems to me that works like Salome and Elektra heralded a new aesthetic
>for this century; even more so than Stravinsky who I think would be the
>only other contender (except perhaps for Gershwin or Schoenberg!)

It might be enough to listen to Gershwins Pianoconcerto to hear that he
didn't had enough technique.  He could write effectfully characteristics
sometimes though, like in "Cuban Ouverture", but in the pianoconcerto
anyway, he didn't know what he was doing.

>The problem with Stravinsky is that he never again displayed the genius of
>the Rite of Spring, Petroushka or the Firebird

What about the Symphony in C?

James Zehm
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