Jon Gallant wrote:

>Back in the 60's, I read once that CM constituted 10% of the
>American record market, and 20% of the European.  More recently
>(but I don't remember just when), I read that the figures were 5% in
>the US and 10% in Europe.

Whatever the actual figures then and now, I'm sure they have gone down.
However, that does not necessarily mean that the percentage of Americans
buying classical music has gone down.  Young persons, who generally do not
purchase classical music, have represented a staggering increase of record
purchases.  They have much more money to spend on music than back in the
60's.  They usually get the money from their parents who now both have
jobs outside the home.

When I was growing up, I was fortunate to be able to afford one 45 RPM
recording a week.  My counterpart of today can afford one or two full cd's
a week.  It makes a big difference to the total figures.

Don Satz
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