Ron Chaplin wrote:

>Right now I'm listening to an Arte Nova CD of Elliot Carter's Orchestral
>music (SWF Symphony Orchestra; Michael Gielen, conductor; Ursula Oppens,
>Piano).  Perhaps I haven't listened to it enough, but I don't understand
>the music, either intellectually or emotionally.  I know there is something
>"there," but I don't know what.  Rather than dismiss the music out of hand,
>I would appreciate it if anyone could help me "get into" the music.

Early and recent Carter are not as problematic for me.  Works like the
Concerto for Orchestra, Double Concerto and Piano Concerto require my
full attention.  I had the score for the Double Concerto for several
years before I got a recording.  After having studied the score of and on
before hearing the work I had hoped a listening would help everything "fall
into place." Well it didn't.  For several years I presented an extensive
analysis of the work in my contemporary music class.  The music remained
alien to me.  Only in these last few years has it communicated to me on a
visceral level.  I am not suggesting that it takes that much work.  When I
hear it now I am reminded of Ives and Nancarrow.  I believe my trouble with
the music was that I was addressing it on my terms and not on its own
terms.  I hope this makes some sense.
