David Cozy asked:

>...Is anyone familiar with these songs, with Netania Davrath, with this
>disc? Is Davrath's version the one to look for? Are there better versions?
>Will the songs quiet in me, "the way stars dissolve in the dawn?"

Coincidentally, I was reminded of Davrath when I was reading Steve
Schwartz's rave about the Janet Baker disc on Saga, which I haven't heard
for many years - nice to know it's available again.  I first heard the
Davrath Canteloube at about the same time as I heard the Baker and have
heard various other versions since.  IMHO, none is her equal.  I could be
a little biased because I once heard Davrath sing some of them in recital
- artistry and stage presence of the highest order.

Richard Pennycuick
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