This is the First time I've written a message to a "group"; so I hope I do
Not "Mess Up" too badly??.

1.  Who that is alive today KNOWS @ what speed JS Bach and his Musos could
have wished to and DID play the works??

2.  "Urban Myth" suggests that when the Margrave of Brandenberg received
the Concerti, he popped them in a safe place, and they were Never performed
@ all??

3.  The Metronome is, I am Very Certain, a Lot later an Invention; so
JSBach would NOT have been able to Specify in the Scores:- Crochet = 100??.

4.  The Richard Strauss "story" is interesting as he lived into the start
of Recordings and "Low Tech":- one of his shorter works was very popular,
and many Orchestras and Conductors were "doing" it.  None was anywhere
close to the same number of Minutes @ All; then Richard recorded the
Slowest Version & he did NOT "know"; he had Metronomes, Play Backs, etc..
So Does the Conductor/ Composer conduct the "definitive" version?? Was
Gustav Mahler the Only Living "definitive" Conductor of His own Works??
Was Gustav "Sane"? Lots of "people" thought NOT?? Does being a Composer
make one a Good Conductor @ all; let alone of one's Own works??

5.  What would JSBach make of "Musos" who are full time "professionals"
who actually take an "interest" in improving their "work"; and get paid
Salaries?? Berlioz's "Musos" used to send in a 3rd (?) Class "substitute"
if they did Not like the Music to be played = Particularly His!!  They
almost abhorred Him the Conductor, and Him the Composer, too!!

6.  Eugene Ormandy's/Bach or Stokowski's; Elgar's/ Handel; Respighi's/C16th
have NEVER heard what JSBach wrote, and @ 60 I do Not expect that I will??
Comments, ANYONE??.