Philip Peters wrote:

>>Pinnock and Goebel for me, please...

Gerry wrote:

>I agree Philip, but have you ever read the review of Goebel's Brandenburg
>Cs in the Penguin Guide? The writer claims that is is "hard not to laugh
>out loud" because of the speed.  I think the speed is exciting.

I don't like the way Goebel treats the BBC.  He doesn't make me believe
in the music, though of course the technical quality is high.  One of
my favorites is il Giardino Armonico.  This ensemble probably even plays
the BBC faster than Goebel, but they take more freedom concerning basso
continuo, and there is more the spirit of the momentum.  The ink has just
dried.  They make the 6 concerti sound like what they are:  a varied
mixture of bravura and modesty; of concerto grosso and virtuoso concerto.
The recording (on Teldec) is incredibly transparent, and shows the colors
of the different instruments including the ones used for the continuo.
