Further to Deryk Barker's and Tony Duggan's replies to my query about
Ken Russell's Vaughan Williams documentary, IMDB tells me that there
are Russell films on Gordon Jacob (1959), Prokofiev (1961), Elgar (1962),
Debussy (1963), Bartok (1964), Delius (Song of Summer) (1968) and Vaughan
Williams (1986).  There are also The Strange Affliction of Anton Bruckner
(1990) concerning his numeromania, and The Secret Life of Sir Arnold Bax
(1992) concerning his, um, extracurricular activities.

Deryk's reference to a Martinu documentary prompts a recollection of one
made probably during the 60s with narration by the English novelist and
polymath, including composer, Anthony Burgess.  I recall especially some
fascinating footage shot from Martinu's childhood perspective in the bell

Richard Pennycuick
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