"If alcohol is used, advise the lactating woman to limit her intake to no
more than 0.5 g of alcohol per kg of maternal body weight per day.
Intake over this level may impair the milk ejection reflex."

I have never heard this before - the usual fears about alcohol are that it
gets into the milk, and affects the baby. Are there any other refs to
support this? And how long before it *stops*  impairing the MER? In the UK,
the anecdotal stuff about MER and alcohol is that it actually helps it -
the idea being that alcohol 'relaxes' the mother enough to let down. I have
no idea if that's true, but it's what midwives often tell mothers (not that
that proves anything - often, the reverse!).

Heather Welford Neil
NCT bfc, Newcastle upon Tyne UK