I have been there with C. difficile toxin and I was very, very ill. I
could not bf during the acute illness b/c I was in the ambulance and the
ER and thought I would die!

I don't think food poisoing via a bacteria would be any differeent than
other gastroenteritis that we nurse thru. So once I was stabilized my
then 14 mo old dtr (who nursed very often) was brought to me to nurse.
Against the dr's wishes, btw. She said "how long do you plan to nurse
that child anyway???" At that time (about 3+ yrs ago) the main concern
was flagyl (metronidazole) and it's compatibility with bf. The dr. d/c'd
it the next day, I think no organism or not sensitive to it - whatever.

The dr wanted to keep me another nite - Christmas Eve nite! I insisted I
had to go home to my baby and 6 y.o. as it was Christmas! so she d/c me
that evening. My dh is great but I can remember waking him one Christmas
to set things out for the kids and he says sleepily "oh I thought Santa
was coming. Oh I forgot we are Santa!" So I wanted to be sure he would
not blow it!

I did not know about the c. diff toxin until after d/c and did not
consider would the TOXIN go thru to the milk. Would it? Any docs care to
Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Violet Louisiana, SE USA suburb of New Orleans

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