This comes up all the time at LLL meetings and some of the public health
drop ins for new mums. There seems to be such urgency over this and how
much, when to offer, where, when to introduce other foods, etc. In
talking with mums there is a huge difference between how they handle the
issue with their first baby as opposed to second, third and subsequent
babies. There is a lot more time to worry over this when you have one,
but when there is a toddler and a baby, the solids issue becomes a
non-issue. How many of you know babies who started solids by eating the
crumbs or the food that the toddler tossed onto the floor?

In my experience, having the baby in the high chair alongside the table
while we were eating, with a few things tossed on the tray for her to
mush around gave me the two minutes I needed to use both hands to inhale
my food with. I think dh was getting tired of cutting up my food for me.

Donna Hansen
Burnaby, British Columbia