Dear Jay,

Phlebitis can simply be an inflammation of the vein, often caused by the
various chemicals that are being introduced.  It is not uncommon,
especially in smaller hand veins, to have some discomfort after the IV is
removed, especially if there has been some infiltration of the IV fluids
into the tissue near the vein.   Painkillers such as demerol can cause a
lot of pain in the surrounding tissue if the IV is not well situated in a
larger, fast-flowing vein. There can also be bruising caused by the
initial insertion of the IV.

Unless there is a bacterial infection as well, I don't see a need for
antibiotics (pray tell, what would this doctor prescribe for the baby to
take if he were to fall ill to some bug?)  As far as the aspirin is
concerned, are there actual clots obstructing blood flow through the arm?
 And if there is obstruction, something stronger than aspirin would be
warranted - aspirin, I believe, acts on the platelets to make them less
"sticky" and taking it tends to prevents clots from forming in the first
place or from becoming larger once they do form.  I don't think that
aspirin will dissolve an already well-formed clot.

She may get some relief by applying heat and/or cold packs to the area.
Advil or other NSAIDs may help with the inflammation and pain.

Sharon Knorr, BSMT, LLLL, IBCLC in Newark, New York (near Rochester)
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