The recent discussion about LCs being in danger of law suits, touching,
renting pumps, etc reminded me of the very useful resource called "Legal
Considerations and the Lactation Consultant-USA," wriiten by Priscilla
Bornman, J.D. as Unit 3 of the first Lactation Consultant Series. You may wish
to consult this document as it is quite helpful in explaing terms and giving
examples that we can understand.

It is important to distinguish between information that is given due to
ignorance of the topic, misunderstandings of correct information, and
broadside hits against the IBCLC designed to further fragment this profession.
This publication was written in 1986 so it is somewhat dated but does go
through a section on how to avoid professional liability, etc. Makes for good

Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC
Weston, Massachusetts