>I've become frustrated to my wit's end this past year with the numbers
of baby's being supplemented for weight loss immediate post partum.>

I see this a lot too-There are lots of reasons and it all starts at birth

Reasons include birth interventions and separation of mother and infant
almost immediately after birth.  (One hour"bonding time" doesn't cut it.)
 These babies are then taken to be weighted, measured(i'll bet it hurts
to be stretched out after being curled up for 9 months) vitaled, bathed
etc,etc. and then back to mom.   The baby may scream most of this time-I
think this stress of being in an abnormal state causes many of  the "low"
blood sugars we see.  Our criteria is still below 40- feed the baby(
formula) .  If the nursery nurse is very busy or whatever it can take up
to 5 hours.  AARR.

My colleagues and I are still trying to change policies-but change comes
very, very slow.

Jane-part time staff nurse, LC and Childbirth educator.

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