Pat asked, I think in response to my + others request for thrush resources "Why
reinvent the wheel?  LLLI has an excellent publication on thrush

LLL GB does have something which might be this -- I am awaiting a dleivery
(ordered two weeks ago -- wasn't in catalogue, only found out by phoning).
Until I see, I don't know, but one problem with LLL resources, OFTEN, is that
they are american.  They do not work well in theis country in my expereince.
Sometimes they sound wrong to ME.  Now, I have been living in the UK for half of
my life, but american English IS my native language.  Also, the information
about getting drug, even OTC treatments, can vary wildly from country to

Its great to know about these resources, but, oh, the frustrating time to get
ahold of them, and then to see if they can be applied.

Bet its even worse in another language, rather than another dialect.

Magda Sachs
Breastfeeding Supporter
The Breastfeeding Network