Jane Pierce wrote:

>I thought I was the only one longing for a wonderland of classical music.
>I am chided by my friends who can't "dig it".  They tell me to "get over
>it".  I don't know what was in the water when the masters travelled this
>earth, but I am so glad to have any little trinket of their masterpieces.
>I guess we are like the dinosaur researchers who appreciate the extinct
>species of world history.

Only if we only listen to music by dead people.  There is plenty of music
written by people very much alive.  I also always make sure to remind rock
and pop devotees that there are plenty of dead rockers whose music is still
listened to.  I recall a bizarre interview with Nigel Kennedy at the time
of his "retirement" from the classical world.  "No more works by dead
blokes," he announced and in the next breath revealed that his new project
was arrangements of material by Jimi Hendrix.

Tony Duggan
United Kingdom.