Jonathan Ellis wrote:

>This is not the first time in recent weeks that a list member has
>seen fit to trash Marriner.  It is a pity that we should stoop to such
>measures.  Marriner is a fine musician who has done much excellent work,
>both in the concert hall and the recording studio.  That he does not appeal
>to everybody on the list is regrettable, but no excuse for such unjust -
>and unfounded - remarks.  If we are going to be critical - let us at least
>try to be constructive.  A blanket condemnation does little to promote
>informed debate.

I have to second this.  My own comment was aimed at a single specific
recording of his which I didn't care for.  I think I made that clear.  In
any case, yes, Marriner has made a lot of fine recordings over the years.
I have enjoyed many many of his baroque recordings over the years.  (I have
no problem with modern instruments: in fact, I generally prefer them).  He
may not be my first choice in post-classical repertoire, but I've enjoyed
much of his work here as well.

Roger Hecht