Sometimes, I make dumb purchases.  Two days ago, I bought Marriner's Art of
the Fugue and Musical Offering on Phillips.  I already know that I dislike
modern instruments for Baroque works and am never satisfied when I purchase
them.  Yet, every two years or so I still buy a baroque recording on modern

In the present instance, I've been thinking better of Marriner based on
his recent Schumann symphony recording on Hanssler.  Also, buying both Bach
works for the price of one full-priced disc looked attractive.  So, I did

The best I can say for the recordings is that they are acceptable for
listening to in the car when traffic noises are at a high decibal.  The
sound of the violins is a "killer" for me.  Also, Marriner does not in my
opinion offer sufficient variety; it's the same old thing from one track
to the next with little expressiveness.

Last night, just to get straight, I played the Hesperion version of the
Art of the Fugue on Astree.  What a difference!

As far as the Marriner set goes, I'll keep it in my car and play it when
road construction is going on.  Eventually, the Albuquerque sun will
melt it down.

Don Satz
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