Joseph Previte wrote:

>Pletnev on Virgin has been highly recommended by many, but I was not
>very convinced of his steely fingers and more cold approach.

Yes, the "cold approach" in piano playing has been a criticism toward
Pletnev and other pianists including Pollini and Brendel.  I know I'm in
the minority on this matter, but I just don't register this "cold" playing.
Since I don't feel it at all, I can't complain.  My thermostat must have
been set at a low level at birth.

At the other end, many unnamed pianists strike me as far too emotional in
their interpretations.  To me, this feels like a contrived approach made to
elicit emotional "wringing" on the part of the listener.  I don't like it
one bit.  I consider myself quite capable of feeling appropriate emotions
without some artist willfully trying to take me "over the top."

Don Satz
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