Tim Hu wrote:

>Reminds me of Honegger's 2nd Symphony's last movement when the trombone
>finally appears, the first five notes of which sounds really similar to
>Beethoven's 3rd's funeral march movement (as well as Mahler's 9th's 3rd

Unless this is another substitution allowed by Honneger, the instrument
in question is a trumpet "ad libitum." I say "another substitution" because,
from what I have read of Honneger's writings on the symphony, he was
ambivalent both on the instrument to be used and *whether* an instrument
should be used for the part.  He spoke of it as like an organ stop which
may or may not be pulled.  He also said that he could imagine an oboe or
clarinet playing the part, depending on the color desired.  I never read of
him advocating a trombone, but anything's possible.  As a trombonist, I'd
say why not, but I've never heard of this done or advocated.  Maybe someone
else has? (As to why not, probably because sounding an octave lower--unless
you're using an alto trombone or a tenor playing high screech--may not work
in these textures.)

Roger Hecht