D.T. Phi wrote:

>Clearly both Kevin Sutton and Margaret Mikulska hold strongly negative
>opinions on Lebrecht's book. Any book could contain accidental errors. But
>I would appreciate documented refutations of  the deliberate "half-truths"
>in Lebrecht's "The Maestro Myth." If it is not convenient to do so on this
>list, I would like references to some existing published refutations.

Lebrecht's errors are far from accidental.  And if they were, he would not
be qualified to write anything about music (not that he is).

Your request for documented refutations is understandable, but to me, it's
a bit like trying to prove that what the National Enquirer writes about
celebrities is not very well substantiated.  With all due respect, it would
be a total waste of my time to spend any of it on documenting Lebrecht's
gossip or its refutations.
