Walter Meyer wrote:

>My wife and I saw this film this afternoon and liked it.

Finally, a list member who went to this movie without preconceived
expectations.  I congratulate Walter and his wife.  The movie has been
blasted for inaccuracy and purient focus.  I think that Steve had lamented
that he expected the movie to focus on the inner workings of the musical
creative mind.

Whatever else the movie was intended to do, its basic intent was to make
money - it's a commercial film.  A focus on creativity would likely be a
money loser.  With films of this type, I try my best to go in "ignorant"
and accept the movie on its own terms.  I don't even compare the movie with
the book; there's no way that a movie can duplicate the pleasures of an
excellent book.  This might be "dumbing down" on my part; I just see it
as my way of enjoying a film.

Don Satz
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