Wilson Pereira wrote:

>It seems to me that it doesn't make any sense to collect a record
>that you don't listen to.

I'd have to agree with Wilson here.

>The question is: HOW OFTEN you listen to your records?

This is getting very personal.  First, it's "do you listen at all to
what you buy."  Now we have, "how often do you listen to what you own."

I'd like to say that I listen to every recording I have at least once a
year, but I don't come close.  In order to do this, I would have to
average about 15 hours of listening per day.

There are three major advantages to a large collection which have
nothing to do with frequency of listening:

1.  Available choice when wanting to listen.
2.  Talking about it.
3.  Feeling it(that's the addiction).

Don Satz
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