A Carlan writes:

>In his individual recommendations of the Beethoven symphonies, there isn't
>even a mention of Von Carryon.  Imagine that!  The First goes to Thomas and
>Norrington, the second to Norrington, the 3rd to Furtwangler and Szell (my
>man!), the 4th to Kleiber who he remarks makes the Bavarian sound like the
>VPO, as do, of course, the 5th and the 7th, the Pastoral to Walter (ah!),
>the 8th he ignores (well I said this guy is strange) and the 9th to Reiner.
>Take a guess. Who is this nut?

Jim svejda?

S. de Silva <[log in to unmask]>
Dept of Math Sciences  (570) 321 4285
Lycoming College, Williamsport PA