Walter Meyer wrote, a propos the "Chants d'Auvergne":

>I first heard them on 78's sung by Madeleine Grey, w/ (otherwise
>unidentified) orchestral accompaniment conducted by Eli Cohen, of which I
>have the LP version (Odeon C 60 642).  I've not seen the selection on CD.

Walter is right.  Madeleine Grey (1896-1979) gave the premiere of some of
the "Chants d'Auvergne" in 1926.

>Grey is described on the record jacket as a recognized interpreter of songs
>by Ravel and of folk songs.  For me she also has that artless quality that
>has a way of being displaced in the presentations by some operatic singers.

She also gave in 1926 the premiere of Ravel's "Chansons madecasses".
They have even recorded them together in 1932 (now on a Philips CD).

Simon Corley
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