A personal reminiscence about Shaw:

I had the great pleasure to hear him conduct when I lived in Atlanta in
the mid-80s.  I found out that I could attend ASO concerts for free if I
ushered, and being an amateur chorister, I made sure to usher for all of
the choral concerts.  I heard the likes of the Bach B Minor Mass, Berlioz'
Requiem, the Poulenc Gloria, and Hindemith's "When Lilacs Last in the
Dooryard Bloom'd" which Hindemith wrote specially for Shaw while he was
conducting New York's Collegiate Chorale.  All memorable performances.  If
I got to Atlanta's Symphony Hall early enough, I could even get to hear him
rehearse.  I remember on one occasion watching him rehearse the Mozart c
minor Mass.  On this occasion, something displeased him and he threw the
equivalent of a hissy fit and stormed off the stage, leaving the chorus
totally bewildered.  Even great artists have their off moments.  Needless
to say, the chorus went on to sing the mass brilliantly.

--Rich Putter
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