Bernard Gregoire wrote:

>Satz, Sutton, Hong and Company are all bent out of shape because of their
>love of unHIP Stoki transcriptions.  C'mon guys let ur hair down!  Stoki
>was the 20th century inventor of 'crossover' thereby introducing countless
>numbers of fans to Bach and classical music including me.

Well, I don't know if I or my fellow co-conspirators were "bent out of
shape", but for the record, here's what *I* wrote about Stokowski/Bach:

>I'll admit that the Stokowskis are a guilty pleasure for me.
>Perhaps in the context of the times in which they were conceived,
>they were a means for the audience to hear Bach when they otherwise
>wouldn't have known anything but a few organ pieces during church services.

And I am quite sure that Mr. Satz' posting wasn't nearly as accomodating
to Stokowski, so I am at a loss as to what Mr. Gregoire means in his first

Bill H., trying not to be so brittle that I can't bend somewhat....