Mimi Ezust asked:

>What is the current state of community support for classical music in
>Philadelphia? Do free concerts still exist? Is the orchestra still
>recorded and broadcast on the radio?

When an orchestra makes a recording, are they paid a one-time payment, or
does the deal involve royalties? Surely their recordings continue to sell;
there must be a steady income from it.  If their recordings do not sell, or
have stopped being marketed by the publisher--Sony and RCA, at least--then
the pHilly should be able to sue for marketing rights, and sell their own
recordings on the web, at the very least.

It's sad to think that music converts are buying Philadelphia recordings
out there every day, and the Phildelphia Orchestra gets no royalties from
it.  (Or perhaps it's the actual participants in the original recording
that get royalties, and not the orchestra organization as such?)

Dr. S. de Silva <[log in to unmask]>
Lycoming College, Williamsport PA