Donald Satz wrote:

>Yael Fisch wrote:
>>The new Olli Mustonen on Teldec is FABULOUS though.
>I never even heard that Mustonen has recorded them.  Yael has scored a
>"coup"; he not only is aware of this recording, he's already listening
>to it.

I phoned the Teldec distributor today (Warner Music, in Canada at least).
They told me this was a Polygram-Universal product.  I looked on Mustonen's
web site and, indeed, he apparently records exclusively on Decca (London).
So I talked to my Polygram rep who could find nothing on it, but had some
information to the effect that the Op.  87 will be coming out in April
played by -- are you ready for this? -- Ashkenazy!  Don't tell me this
repertoire is finally going to enter the mainstream.  Perhaps there's some
justice in the world after all.  That's if you believe everything you hear.
Perhaps I should wait to have all these new versions in hand before I get
too excited, though.

By the way, much though I admire the Nikolayeva, there are times when
she loses it just a bit.  With each new recording I'll be hoping that
the pianist has supplied N's deficiencies while emulating her strengths.
I don't ask for much, do I?

Richard, who invites you to visit his music, outdoors and other WWW sites