Ed Zubrow asks for recommendations from the Berkshire Record Outlet

>Brandenburg Concertos with Rillig and Oregon Bach Festival on Hanssler.

I'd save my dough.  I've always found Rilling a particularly dull Bach

>SCHUBERT: I have zero Die Schone Mullerin (amazing in light of the recent
>thread!).  The catalogue offers one with Schrier and guitar accompaniment
>on Berlin and one with Ian Partridge on Classics/Pleasure.

Go for both:  the first, because of the unusual accompaniment; the second,
because Ian Partridge was one of the great Lieder singers, too little known
or appreciated.

>Strauss Don Quixote with Ormandy on Biddulph

Two very great soloists:  Feuermann as Quixote, Samuel Lifchey as
Sancho.  Unfortunately, very constricted mono sound.  Also Ormandy had
a lot of difficulty keeping contrapuntal music together.  Some of the
more spectacular sections come out like mud.  If you don't own a Quixote
already, don't start with this one.  My top recommendation is Szell and
the Cleveland with F0urnier.

Steve Schwartz