Bob Chen <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Another name I haven't seen mentioned is Sir Simon Rattle.  I know Prof.
>Barker and others on this list have had good things to say about Rattle's
>Mahler.  Well, what about his recording of Brucker's 7th? Inquiring minds
>want to know.

Rattle's Bruckner 7th at the 1996 Proms opened my eyes to Bruckner as a
composer; previously, I just didn't "get" him.  There must be something in
that.  At the time, Rattle hadn't released a recording of the work, so I
bought the Chailly, largely on the majority recommendation of the experts
on <>, with which I am very satisfied.

Leroy Curtis           mailto:[log in to unmask]