Ron Chaplin wrote:

>However, as much as I enjoy the anticipation of receiving a shipment
>in the mail from BMG or MHS, there is, for me, something to be said
>for immediate grtification, when I can read about a good recording
>from the magazines or this list and can buy it the next day.

Why wait until the next day? Read the review, and go out and immediately
acquire it.  While you're at the store, buy some other recordings that are
tempting you.  Then, while driving home, use those slack driving periods
to remove the wrap and tape from the cd's.  Then, while you're playing
the music you just bought, ponder why you have no self-control.

Immediate grtification is what's great about local record stores.  As Ron
commented, it's all going downhill.  Classical sections are the first to be
reduced when the store adds a new line or increases stock in an existing
one.  Also, classical music folks likely use on-line shopping much more
than those who prefer pop, rock, or country.

Another list member commented that Borders has a fairly ordinary classical
music inventory.  Well, it's the best that New Mexico has to offer.  I'd
say that about 50% of what I want turns up at Borders; the percentage at
Blockbuster Music is minimal.

Don Satz
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