Ken Keuffel writes a review praising the film Hilary and Jackie and

>Is this film accurate? Many people who knew du Pre argue that it is
>not.  That debate, however, should not obscure the film's honest,
>sincere examination of more universal issues.

I must say, whatever those universal issues were, they completely
escaped me.  What I saw was an updated version of Camille, splendidly
acted, but little more than soap opera nevertheless.  I've said elsewhere
that Hollywood or films in general seem able to tell only two stories about
artists: the story of the Sacred Monster and the story of the Holy Fool.
To me, this middling movie needs du Pre's name to distinguish it from Bang
the Drum Slowly, Amadeus, and Prodigy and to keep people from forgetting
all about it in ten years (although who remembers Song of Love?).  A weepie
with classical music.

I preferred Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.

Steve Schwartz