Jim Hunsley wrote:

>Although Todd waxes enthusiastically about Nikolayeva's version, I
>found them unbearable, and prefer Jarrett.  No one should pass up
>the composer's versions, however.

I agree with Jim's views on the composer's versions, but I find his
"unbearable" response to Nikolayeva quite alien.  To me, the preludes and
fugues are very bleak and desolate pieces; Nikolayeva plays them perfectly
within that understanding and the acoustic is a perfect match.  With
Jarrett, I had no perception that he was on my wavelength, and I have no
idea how he sees these pieces.  He does play them very well.

Would Jim be kind enough to share the basis of what makes the Nikolayeva
unbearable? One area where we seem to agree - this body of works is one
of the great achievements in the piano repertoire.

Don Satz
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