Tony Duggan wrote:

>He recorded no Bruckner commercially.  This live Eighth is the only
>Bruckner performance recording by him that has seen the light of day
>officially.  There are other recordings of him in Bruckner in archives and
>in private hands.  I myself have a couple and I know of others which I am
>patiently tracking down and collecting along with other JB goodies.

I know this is not de rigeur for the list, but I do want to publically
thank Tony for his long, fascinating and detailed reply to my questions.
I've been wondering about this for a long time and was too lazy to look
into it. It was exactly what I was looking for and the source was the
expected one.

I didn't have time to really get into this recording and review it, so I am
very glad he did so, and so thoroughly.  It's an important document, worth
the attention.  I found the review mostly right on, though the playing and
tonal quality of the orchestra bothered me more than it did him, but then
I am a real "tone" person, especially in Bruckner.

A real plus from the list, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks.

Roger Hecht