Strange - I just interviewed Wolfgang Sawallisch - and he mentioned that
he would prefer for the Philadelphia Orchestra to program more new works
by American composers - being an American orchestra and all (they're
performing Hanson's Sym No2 - the romantic one I believe in Malaysia in
May) and that they're not exclusively limiting themselves to 20th century

I doubt the audiences would take too kindly to minimalistic 20th century.

Since I'm already scribbling this....a question to performers (conductors,
artists and orchestra memebers) and general audience - are Asian audiences
too lenient??? Everytime I attend a concert here in Asia, I feel cheated,
the performers (well known ones) are at best mediocre...Alagna cracked
while singing and yet the audience was overwhelmingly supportive.  While it
must be good for the performers ego, I feel that the audience is getting
less than it should.  I think that audience in England are a lot more
selective...and this makes the performer try his best.  What say you??
