When I first heard that Douglas Adams, of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
had written an introduction to the re-issue of the Brandenburg Concertos
conducted by Benjamin Britten, I was mildly amused.  I like his work; Adams
is very good at what he does, but I wondered what he could possibly

Well, I bought the recordings, and I have read the introduction.  It is a
modest seven paragraphs, well written by a knowledgeable lover Bach.  I
really like the last paragraph (which is a little pointedly epigrammatic;
so what?)

   "Whenever I hear [Brandenburg III], it stays in my mind for days....
   While Beethoven tells you what it's like to be Beethoven, and Mozart
   tells you what it's like to be human, Bach tells you what it's like
   to be the universe."

I love that last sentence!  I think Adams has figured Beethoven pretty
well.  (There is a similar quote about Bach and Mozart being played in
heaven, by--I forget whom.)

Dr. S. de Silva <[log in to unmask]>
Lycoming College, Williamsport PA