Roger Hecht ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Most of those I would agree about, though I never thought much of Haitink's
>first cycle.

I think his early symphonies are the best and his 3rd (even though the VPO
remake is better) was exceptionally good.

>His second I liked a lot better.  But Karajan has done some good Bruckner.
>The best I can recall are his first stereo DG Ninth, his EMI Fourth, and,
>especially, a glorious, beautiful sounding EMI Seventh.  I have to agree
>about some of the DG issues that made up his complete DG cycle.

I agree with you that the 1950s EMI recordings aren't bad, they may even be
very good.  But IMHO they are not great, and Karajan is very far from being
the last word on Bruckner.

Deryk Barker
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