Julia Werthimer remembers correctly the video of Der Rosenkavalier
conducted by Kleiber, with Gwyneth Jones, Brigitte Faessbender and the
wonderful Lucia Popp as Sophie.  It was made by Unitel in 1979 and issued
by DG (on LD & VHS).

It contains, as I wrote on this list last year, this amusing error!

Watch right at the very end of Act III, when the camera catches the
Marschallin and Faninal going off stage where, probably due to the
camera angle, the audience would not have been able to see them.

The camera catches the little negro page running right past them - clearly
not stopping to be told what he is supposed to be going to look for!

John G. Deacon
Home page: http://www.ctv.es/USERS/j.deacon