James Zehm wrote:

> What is it like then? Does it beat Leo Funteks unfortunate orchestration?

I'm afraid that I don't know this version, but as an alternative to
the Ravel I think it works very well.  While Ravel shows his mastery of
orchestration in his version of 'Pictures', I found the Gortchakov to bring
out the 'Russianess' of the music that Ravel's lacks.  It is a much darker
orchestration and from my own point of view a much easier one to play -
especially the "Limoges" (Ravel's is often used for violin auditions).

I have played the Ravel on a number of Youth Orchestra tours and/or camps
and found the Gortchakov to be a different and refreshing change to what
had become (for me) a so-so piece.

Matthew Gillett