John Smyth ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>I just picked up Abbado doing Bruckner 7th with the VPO.  The Gramophone
>really likes the final Karajan recording with the same orchestra, which I
>have found in our local Tower Outlet for $5.99.  Is the Karajan leaps and
>bounds better than Abbado?

I don't know the last Karajan, but his previous two 7th weren't great and
I doubt if Abbado's is either (don't thin I have it, if I do it's obviously
totally unmemorable).

For the 7th I'd recommend Rosbaud (1950s Vox, c/w Klemperer's first Das
Lied), Blomstedt (Denon, may be oop) and Eichhorn (Camerata).  These are
my favourites, although there are many others I'd not want to be without
(starting with Horenstein's 1928 BPO account).

Deryk Barker
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