Someone recently reported a rumor that Russian Revelations is no longer
producing CD's.  Unfortunately, this is true.  There is apparently a legal
fight about rights which may take at least a year or two to resolve; until
then, no more music. So buy now if you find a source that has in stock any
discs that you want!

I'm looking in particular for a CD of performances by the pianist Yakov
Zak (unfortunately, I don't know what music he was performing, but his
name was featured on the disc -- this is not the RR disc devoted to Emil
Gilels on which Zak performed 2nd piano on one piece).  This CD was
advertised in Gramophone last summer, but apparently was not one of the
Russian Revelation discs officially imported into the US.  Does anyone
have any suggestions for a source (either here or abroad) which might have
some back stock of this disc?

Incidentally, thank you to everyone who answered my post about the
Beethoven Quartets!

the States of Control site