I can never get enough of Bach's organ works.  However, the record industry
is not as enthusiastic.  I'm aware of just three cycles currently going
strong:  Koopman on Teldec, Herrick on Hyperion, and Bowyers on Nimbus.
I bought the first two volumes of the Koopman series but stopped at that
point because I found the instruments used to be undernourished.  I have
continued with the other two cycles.

I recently picked up volume 10 of the Bowyer series and the chorales
recordings of the Herrick series.  I'm getting great enjoyment from both -
sound is rich and clear, interpretations are appropriately expressive and
free of eccentricities.  I recommend both series strongly with the caveat
that some reviewers have complained of a lack of expressiveness,
particularly with Bowyer.

Some folks have a strong hostility with Bach's organ works:  morbid,
depressing, and draining.  Ellen Jane, my wife, is one of those persons.
Last night, when I started playing Herrick, she zoomed into the bedroom,
shut the door, and placed a towel under it.  I couldn't let her get away
that easily.  I churned up the volume and maxed out on the equalizer
controls.  My wife calmly informed me that she felt an obsession coming on
to watch the House and Garden Network on cable tv for a few weeks.  That's
all I needed to hear; I quickly shut off the speakers and changed to the
headphones.  Don't you wish you had as good a marital relationship as I do?

I think this Bach organ problem might be genetically linked.  My wife's
parents would dash to the radio to change the station whenever they heard
any of these works.  Given sufficient incentive, they could be real

Don Satz
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