Pat - Yes, WIC is required to follow appropriate guidelines re: materials
used or displayed: NO materials from ABM manufacturers used in clinics, no
formula visible, no junk "gifts" from ABM companies, no posters portraying
bottle feeding as the norm,etc. (someone else just posted about this). I
think it was the public health dep't, not WIC, that was being discussed in
the post from the intern that you're referring to. WIC has no control over
what the "sponsoring agency" does. Maybe if the intern who posted (sorry, I
zapped it out without remembering the name!) spoke to the BF coordinator or
the program director at WIC, she could initiate appropriate changes (i.e.
get the public health educator to throw the junk out!). In the WIC where I
worked, the public health nursing dep't was receptive (nay, even eager for)
my words of wisdom re: materials they used. It worked out well for all

Cathy Bargar