"THE GALL!  A nurse follows another nurse into the room to tell the
pt. different information!!!  That's terrible!!  I would be furious!  Do
you have a certain pt. assignment?  Do the other nurses interfere with
YOUR assignment??  I better stop here and keep the rest to myself
.......very bad thoughts..........
     Susan Potts RN IBCLC  Minnesota

I agree, but when I overheard the misinformation (confirmed here on lactnet)
given to the C-sec mom, and I thought of what effect her comments would have
on this new mom's success, then the idea of going in there and at least
reassurring her with more correct and reassurring information was very
tempting!  She was not my pt, but sometimes I do have a postpartum pt. and
the nursery has care of the newborn at the same time.  (would you guess the
nursery usually takes the bottle-feeding babies? - definitely ok with me!!)
