When I posted before about the WHO code and its role in relation to the whole of
the vision WHO has described in realtion to breastfeeding/infant feeding, I
neglected to mention the Innocenti Declaration (adopted by the WHA --that's
World Health Assembly-- in 1992) which *does* address some of the other areas
which I outlined and others have mentioned in relation to the code.  The third
operational target of the Innocenti Declaration is to 'take action to give
effect to the principles and aim of all articles of the International Code of
Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent WHA resolution in their

Yesterday I tride to tell everyone how useful it is to read the Code.  Today I
will add:  do read the Innocenti Declaration, it is interesting to place our
work in its context.

Magda Sachs
Breastfeeding Supporter, BfN
Baby Milk Action Area Contact,
United Kingdom